Bio Clean Launches Remote Online Initiatives

March 20, 2020
Bio Clean has announced the rapid launch of several initiatives aimed at maintaining remote customer contact and engagement in response to increasing social distancing measures.

In response to the widespread adoption of social distancing and its effects on business interaction, Bio Clean has announced the rapid launch of several initiatives aimed at maintaining remote customer contact and engagement.

Online Lunch & Learn presentations are being offered where attendees can remotely earn PDH credits, receive valuable insight on leading stormwater solutions, and a complimentary lunch "rain check." 

Bio Clean has also launched a new Technical Downloads page and live chat "Virtual Stormwater Assistant" feature to give clients a comprehensive and interactive online stormwater resource. Customers are invited to test the new library and provide feedback. 

The company is also working on releasing on-demand product presentation videos in the near future. 

Source: Bio Clean

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