Rock Riprap is not a Natural Solution

April 7, 2021

While rock is a natural material, rock riprap is not natural or environmentally sustainable. Propex low carbon solutions offer a durable alternative to rock riprap.

Rock riprap is a traditional hard armoring method for protecting shorelines and slopes from erosion. While rock is a natural material, rock riprap is not natural or environmentally sustainable. Rock is strip mined using explosives and heavy equipment. Then it’s crushed into smaller sizes, used for different applications. This process is done with little regard for the environment.

Next, the rock riprap is transported to jobsites by dozens of trucks, emitting high levels of pollution. Once installed, rock riprap does not support the environment. It can suppress vegetation and has poor filtering capabilities, making it ineffective at removing pollutants. Plus, riprap can increase water temperature creating thermal pollution, which impacts fish and aquatic life.

Propex Engineered Earth Armoring Systems offer an alternative to rock riprap that offers durable erosion control and promotes environmental resilience? We deliver maximum performance with minimal environmental impact. From cradle to grave, our innovative solutions are green-friendly, built to last, and support the environments they protect. One truckload of our turf reinforcement mat is equivalent to over 650 truckloads of rock riprap. A significant reduction in transportation emissions! Plus, choosing our solutions over rock riprap can reduce a project’s carbon emissions up to 90 percent. Our verified carbon footprint is also up to 30 times smaller than rock riprap. Our solutions promote reinforced vegetation, decrease sedimentation and pollutants, and encourage water infiltration into the groundwater table. Innovative solutions that are more environmentally friendly than rock riprap, perform better, and cost less. Visit to learn more or contact us at 800.621.1273 

Editor's Note: Scranton Gillette Communications and the SGC Water Group are not liable for the accuracy, efficacy and validity of the claims made in this piece. The views expressed in this content do not reflect the position of the editorial teams of Water & Wastes Digest, Water Quality Products and Storm Water Solutions.                             
